5 simple ways to Boost your Immunity System Naturally -gyaankaro

  • Do you have low immunity? 
  • Do you catch cold every time?  
  • You are facing skin issues ?
  • Do you feel tired most of the time?
  • Maybe patchy hair loss? 

If you are yes, all these are the signs of a weak immune system

Don't worry as in this article I'm going to share with you five simple ways by which you can boost your immune system naturally at home. 

What is Immunity system?

Immune system is a group of organs that protects our body from infections. 

The weak immune system is like an invitation to health problems. alert-warning

Sometimes the immune system gets so weak that it mistakenly starts attacking our own body. 

Rheumatoid arthritis and type one diabetes are two such scientific diseases.

Stress, unhealthy lifestyle and aging are some of the causes of a weak immune system.

If at this age we have a strong immune system. We should not take it for granted and should actually put an effort to keep it from so that we can enjoy the long term health benefits. 

So here are five simple ways to give a boost to your immune system naturally.

Five Immunity Boosters:- 

  • Ashwagandha
  • Giloy
  • Mint Drink
  • Turmeric 
  • Amla

1. Ashwagandha

5 simple ways to Boost your Immunity System Naturally -gyaankaro

Ashwagandha is an Indian Herb whose properties are so powerful that it has been nicknamed as Indian ginseng and it is well known to instantly boost the immune system. 

Firstly take one glass of hot milk and add one tablespoon of ashwagandha powder into it. 

The best time to have it as one hour before going to sleep at night. 

If you have problem digesting milk, you can simply replace it with water 

2. Giloy

Giloy is another ayurvedic herb is also known as Amrita, 

which literally translates to the root of immortality.

It helps remove the toxins purifies the blood and fights the bad bacteria. 

Just makes one tablespoon of giloy powder in lukewarm water and have it empty stomach in the morning 

3. Mint Drink

This is one sweet soft drink to meet your immune system stronger.

Firstly put 500 ml of water in a pan. Add half teaspoon of turmeric into it. Let's boiled for two minutes now at 10 to 12 mint leaves let it further boil for another two to three minutes. Take the mixture in a glass let it cool a bit now add one tablespoon of honey. 

That said this simple drink has all the antioxidants to fight the unwanted microbes in the body. 

4. Turmeric

5 simple ways to Boost your Immunity System Naturally -gyaankaro

Turmeric a common spice in Indian cooking boosts the immune system through its amazing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial property that it holds

Simply add half a teaspoon of turmeric and hot milk and have it one hour before going to sleep at night. 

Turmeric milk makes your immune system much stronger and will instantly shield your body from infectious microbes. 

5 simple ways to Boost your Immunity System Naturally -gyaakaro

vitamin C is the number one determinant to reduce the immune system deficiencies and amla or Indian gooseberry is full of vitamin C

so much so that the amount of vitamin C in one Amla is equal to that in 20 oranges. alert-info

so just one amla a day will keep the infections away. You can consume amla in any form like pickle, juice, or raw. If it possible eat one raw amla in day


Of course, you need not try all these home remedies at the same time. Pick any one of your choices and practice it daily for a few months and you will clearly see the results. 

  • It is also advisable to maintain a good healthy and balanced diet. 

  • Include seasonal foods on a daily basis. 

  • Sit in the sun for about 10 to 15 minutes whenever possible mostly in morning and evening is the best time. 

  • Exercise regularly and reduce the intake of high sugary foods. 

  • Drink the required amount of water to naturally detox the body and drinking of water is also solves your skin problems. 

  • Maintain proper sleep timilngs.

  • Do not excessively indulgence, smoking or alcohol. 

Yes, the immune system weakens with age.

However, following these home remedies and tips, I promise you, you can be sure of an extra-strong immune system which will serve you a healthy life. 

So, friends, that's all for this Article. I hope you find it helpful! 

PRODUCTS RELATED TO THE Article (Not Sponsored)

Buy Immunity Boosters:-

Giloy Powder 
Amla Juice 

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