The ULTIMATE Ayurvedic Routine to Increase Memory -Gyaakaro
The Brain is undoubtedly the smartest organ of the human body. However, when we are not able to memorize a simple paragraph when we are not able to focus on one task even for a few minutes when we tend to forget names or when we misplace things, it doesn't seem so does it? Whether you think you have a good memory focus or concentration, power or not. The fact is that you can train your brain to learn faster, remember better and achieve anything you want to.

That's what this article is all about. while designing this Four-step Ayurvedic routine to increase brain power. My focus was on three things easy to implement, absolutely no side effects, with fast results. So read this article carefully as there are a quick memory and concentration test coming for you in the end.

Ayurveda identifies weak memory or the inability to concentrate as the dryness of the brain nerves just like your vehicle needs salvia similarly you need to lubricate your brain nerves to unleash their maximum potential. Our ancient texts explicitly talk about some of the shorter short ways to unlock the untapped potential of the brain improve our memory and concentration. The best thing about this routine is that it is so effective that you will start getting results in just a matter of a few days. So if you are a student preparing for an entrance exam or you are an employee trying to excel in your job. this routines will help you get through.

Step number First:-
The very first step of this four-step routine is to simply have one teaspoon of Brahma rasaayan early in the morning well before breakfast. Now when I say early in the morning, I mean after you have woken up had your morning water and freshened up it's then you should have one teaspoon of Brahma rasaayan. Well what's so special about Brahma rasaayan you may ask mentioned in the charak Samhita as the number one classical medicine for increasing memory and concentration Brahma rasaayan is made out of a concoction of over 50 powerful herbs, Brahma rasaayan can be made at home but it involves a series of processes which takes many days, which is why it can be bought in its exact form, buy from any good ayurvedic Shop for your convenience I have put a link to buy it online Click here to buy. Just as Chyawanprash is a classical medicine for physical health and Brahma rasaayan is a tonic for the brain. The word or rasaayan itself signifies that it can be consumed by anybody of any age without any side effects. Eat it slowly to get the maximum benefit. One thing that you should keep in mind is that after taking Brahma rasaayan, you don't have to eat anything for at least 30 minutes you need to let it work. So this was step number one easy, wasn't it? 

Step number Two:-
After about 40 to 45 minutes of having a well balanced nutritious homemade breakfast, it's time to execute step number two again very simple. You just need to have three teaspoons of Saraswatarishta in three teaspoons of water, Saraswatarishta is a mixture of carefully added Herbes as suggested in the ancient manuscript of Bhaisajya Ratnavail, with primary ingredient being romney Brahmi has been used for long in Ayurvedic medicines to treat the disorders of the brain. Even modern medical sciences research confirms that it boosts both long and short term memory attention and the ability to process visual information. Brahmi has a cooling property which keeps the mind calm and free of anxiety while taking Saraswatarishta makes sure that you use a glass container as its ingredients may react with plastic or metal containers. Don't gulp it, just sip it slowly. All right, then two steps over just two more to go. 

The best thing about the brain is that its capability can easily be enhanced, unlike height or skin tone where genetics play a major role. In case of brain if you train it in the right direction. You can open up a world of possibilities like how like this

  • Meditate for 10 minutes
  • De condition your Brain (Use your opposite hand)
  • Exercise your Brain (Use it or lose it)
  • Decluter (your working environment)
  • Smile Wholeheartedly (Releases feel good hormones)
  • Trataka Daily (Improves concentration)
  • Practice no FAP (Nourish your brain)
  • Sleep on Time to Rest your brain
  • Feed your brain by eating fresh fruits daily
  • Increase blood flow to your brain by exercise

Coming back to step number three of this Ayurvedic routine to boost memory and concentration you just need to have one teaspoon of Brahmi Ghrit in warm milk one hour or 30 minutes before going to sleep at night, as per Ayurveda the combination of milk and ghee is most favourite, there are even more benefits when consumed at night. And when you are consuming a medicated ghee which has a powerful herb called Brahmi in it, it instantly acts on the brain enhancing the ability to memorize, concentrate better and learn faster. Don't worry about the taste, it's kind of tasteless, simply feels like having milk, drink it slowly step by step. 

Step number Four:-
The last and the final step of this ayurvedic routine is to be executed just before going to sleep at night. All you will need is Jyotishmati, apart from Bahami, malkangni or Jyotishmati another herb highly regarded in ayurveda for brainpower. The name Jyotishmati itself signifies that it illuminates the brain the seeds of malkangni plant are cold-pressed to extract oil which is then used to enhance the brain's capability to get fastest results from Jyotishmati oil before sleeping using a dropper put two drops in each of your nostrils and inhale it will instantly start nourishing your brain says it will not help you sleep better. So that completes our four-step higher with the routine to nourish the brain, enhances the memorizing power and the ability to focus. 

Now here's a little test for you and you recall the four steps we discussed. 

Read, if you want 
step 1 - have one teaspoon of Brahma rasaayan 30 minutes before break first. 

Step 2 - have three teaspoons of Saraswatarishta in three teaspoons of water 40 minutes after breakfast.

Step 3 - mix one teaspoon of Brahmi Ghrit in lukewarm milk one hour before going to sleep at night. 

step 4 - put two drops of Jyotishmati oil in each of your nostrils just before sleeping. 

How many steps did you get right? Let me know in the comments. I must tell you that this routine is so effective that if you follow it 100% even for 10 days, you will find that you were able to concentrate better, focus for a longer period of time and able to memorize things faster. 

Now, let us quickly discuss how long do we have to follow this routine. See These are the safest ayurvedic medicines they do not have any side effects and can be consumed by anybody. These aren't those kinds of pills that own this guy the name silence So, I suggest you to follow this routine for about three months and then stop for about 20 days then again you can start with this routine if you want go for it. Everything ready would need to follow this routine I have handpicked and linked in the end of the article for you to buy it online. 

So, friends, that's all for this article. I hope you found it to be helpful. If so then please show me your support by sharing this article. 


Brahma Rasayana 
Saraswatharishta - VAIDYARATNAM Saraswatharishtam with Gold (100)
Brahmi Ghrit - Kerala Ayurveda Brahmi Ghritham 150 ml
Jyotishmati Oil 
Rubik's Cube
Chess Game

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