Most people are suffering from skin problems like pimples, acne, itching, rashes, dark spots. 

Why Skin need special care?

Skin is the largest organ of our body and needs extra special care. Some of The Worst skincare habits are doing commonly daily this thing that does more harm to skin, As a result, skin problems pop-out.

In this article, I have discussed what we should not do and what we should do to get that flawless and glowing skin and I have picked the 6 most common habits and have categorized them as worst skincare habits and 6 Best skincare habits.

By following the best skincare habits discussed in this article you can get rid of all skin problems.

Let us see about the six worst skincare habits:-

Most of the daily are knowingly or unknowingly doing Some Worst skincare habits are doing commonly daily these things that do more harm to the skin.

Worst Skin Care Habits:-

  • Picking the Skin
  • Constantly Touching Face
  • Over Washing
  • Excessive use of chemical products
  • Not Washing your Fabrics Regularly
  • Combining Salt and Milk

    1. Picking the Skin:-

    You pick your skin and pop the pimples. One of the most common mistakes is that they pop their pimples doing so not only the past comes out but also pushes the bacteria wide and deep down. This makes the inflammation worse cause More breakouts.

    2. Constantly Touching Face:-

    Some people have a habit of constantly touching their face while using a remote, phone, laptop, door hands, etc… then our hands come in contact with millions of germs when we touch our face more often bacteria, viruses, and allergens get transferred from fingertips onto the skin.

    I know that it's not that easy, but try to get rid of this habit as it will work well for your skin.

    3. Over Washing:- 

    Over-washing the face. Of course, washing the face is good. However, too much of a good thing sometimes ends up being bad. The same thing for washing your face. When we wash our face too the skin dries up and as a result, the sebaceous glands in the skin start secreting more oils. This makes the situation worse.

    It's recommended to wash your face twice a day once in the morning and once before going to bed at night.

    Some people tend to skip the latter. Don't be lazy. It is equally important to face wash at night as it not only removes the dirt, dust, smoke, sweat, and unseen bacteria that accumulate throughout the day.

    While washing your face Make sure you do not use hot water and move your hands in a circular motion. alert-info

    4. Excessive use of chemical products:-

    Have you ever read the ingredient list of the products that are using on your skin? alert-warning

    It is said that most cosmetic products in the market are loaded with harmful chemicals like hardshell coals, mineral oil parabens, skinny retains skin penetrators, and even cancer-causing chemicals.

    Using such products on day to day might damage your skin permanently. It's advisable to choose the products which are free from toxins and naturally safe.

    You should don't use too many products on your skin. keep your skin products simple and minimalistic. it is good for your skin.

    5. Not Washing your Fabrics Regularly:- 

    Any fabric that comes in contact with your face regularly. For example, your clothes, your towels, pillow covers, and bedsheets should be watched at least once a week to remove all the oil, bacteria, and dirt that has built up on them over time.

    If you have sensitive skin It's also recommended to choose pure cotton cloths over synthetic fabrics.

    6. Combining Salt and Milk:-

    Combining salt and milk together may sound strange to you but combining milk with salt according to Ayurveda is a sure short route to skin problems. If you are trying to resolve your skin issues. But doing just this mistake can mess it up all.

    The properties of milk and salt are opposing to each other and combining them in any way causes irregular reactions in the body whose ill effects can be seen on the scale.

    So eating a parotta with milk, pickle with milk, etc.. by this combination foods can get skin issues, Always keep a gap of at least 30 minutes between a salty food and milk.

    So these are some of the worst habits that hamper your skin.

    Let us see about the six Best skincare habits:-


    • Food
    • Exercise
    • Proper Hydration
    • live stress-Free
    • Maintain a Healthy Skin Routine
    • Use Sun Protection

    1. Food:- 

    Someone has rightly said tell this can come from with them. You will be amazed to know that there is so much we can do in terms of food that besides the health of our skin, firstly, eating very spicy food daily increases the bile juice in the body, which leads to acetate highly acidic body is the root cause of all skin problems. If you are facing skin issues, avoid using garam masala and red chili powder at least for a few days.

    High fiber foods

    Eat foods high in dietary fiber foods rich in fiber help remove the toxins from the body which makes the skin glow and makes whole wheat, brown rice, millets, oats, beans, vegetable salad, and lentils a part of your daily diet. 

    Avoid negative foods

    It is suggested to stay away from certain vegetables if you have sensitive skin then avoid Brinjal, Okra, Taro These are some sticky items which you should avoid although, all of you should eat the dry foods after soaking them in water. And if you have skin issues consider this as mandatory, if you're eating almonds and other dry foods without soaking this may increase the heat in your body causing breakouts.

    Minimize salt & sugar

     If you're facing skin problems minimize the consumption of salt and sugar. Both salt and surge prevent the kidneys to effectively flush out the toxins. This makes the blood impure causing aging and needless to say, stay away from packaged foods as much as possible. Such preservative foods adversely affect skin health overall it is best to stick to simple home-cooked balanced meals and nourish your skin from within. 

    2. Exercise:- 

    Regular exercise increases the blood circulation in all organs of our body and skin is one of them. increased blood flow means frozen oxygen and nutrients delivered to the skin cells, exercise makes you sweat which also opens up the pores of your skin, releasing the dirt and excess oil accumulated in them so more physical activity means healthier skin. 

    3. Proper Hydration:- 

    Stay hydrated you would have probably heard people reveal their secret behind their radiant scan to be adequate drinking water skin cells, like any other cells in the body are made up of water, without proper hydration cells of our body do not function efficiently.

    Providing the body required amount of fluids throughout the day gives you radiantly healthy, younger-looking skin, Water can also be supplied to the skin cells in the form of soups. Smoothies use these foods and certain vegetables that are high in water content.

    4. live stress-Free:-

    Stress, anger, and anxiety are have become a part of our daily life. We have no idea how adversely they affect our body from within stress causes a chemical response in the body that makes the skin more sensitive and reactive.

    Have you ever noticed that you break out more when you're stressed This is due to the hormonal changes that trigger the glands of your skin to secrete more oil exercise?
    Spending time with nature and meditation are some of the best ways, in my opinion,n to get rid of negative thoughts and rejuvenate your body from them. 

    5. Maintain a Healthy Skin Routine:- 

    As a healthy skincare routine. Let me share with you one simple inexpensive remedy that will genuinely help you get clear glowing and younger-looking skin at home.

    Take one tablespoon of gram flour, add one teaspoon of curd, one teaspoon of honey, and a few drops of lemon to it. Apply this mixture to your face and let it nourish your skin for about 10 to 15 minutes. Wash it off with fresh water.

    This mixture will instantly cleanse your skin and remove the dead cells make it a habit to Follow this remedy once or twice a week. That's more than enough.

    6. Use Sun Protection:-

    It's important to use sunscreen If you are a person how to spend more time in Sun.

    Apply it twice a day is ideal once in the morning and once in the afternoon.

    Apply sunscreen with an SPF of more than 30 SPF for Indian conditions that block both UVA and UVB rays. Don't skip it.

    Use sunscreen free from toxins, chemicals and naturally safe.

    check out toxins free sunscreen/preview/button/#07594b

    So, we have discussed the six worst skincare habits and the six bests can get habits following the tips mentioned in this article. I assure you can get rid of all your skin problems forever.

    I highly recommend checking out this article for a full-day Skincare Routine Click here to visit Article/preview/button/#07594b

    So, friends, that's all for this article, I hope you found it to be helpful. If yes then please show me your support by sharing this article.

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